
Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Last will be First

Bear with me, as this post is going to seem a little narcissistic at first.  

Last night, I was talking with some friends from church about each other's careers, and what each of us do (or did) as a job.  My job came up, and during the course of the conversation, the others became impressed with what I do for a living.  I usually try to make light of this, by saying, "I coordinate the special education programs for the area," or "I work with special education teachers."  In reality, my job could be defined as a CEO of a medium sized corporation.  We employ around 450 teachers, teaching assistants and support staff to serve the needs of around 3,100 students with individualized education programs (IEPs) across 13 school districts in central Illinois.  Our operating budget is around $26,000,000.  

Impressed yet?  You shouldn't be.  I can be replaced.  

You see, lately I am finding that what may be impressive to the world is not impressive to God.  I spent so much time climbing a "corporate ladder" in public education, that I lost sight of what is really important.  

The things that Jesus valued were humility, mercy, and grace.  He was not impressed with successes that society promotes.  He instead noticed the meek and poor.  He noticed the children.  

But many who are greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then. (Matthew 19:30)

It seems like Jesus was telling us that God was telling us to "get over ourselves."

So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last. 
(Matthew 20:16 NLT)

Some days I think I will be last in the Kingdom of Heaven.  There are many more worthy in God's eyes to go before me.  That's OK.

It was never about me.

1 comment:

  1. Yes ... I am impressed. Not with your career or job, but your humble heart. I have been impressed with your writing for some time now. Any gift or talent we have is from Jesus. I like the way you remind us of that fact.

    Blessings ...

