
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Life Lines

Many of you may remember I began sailing last summer.  If you want to recall my first solo sailing trip, click Winds.  We are associate members of the Commodore Decatur Yacht Club, and we try to get on the lake every chance we get.  The club membership is open for anyone interested in sailing, and it only costs $75 a season to belong (family).  The club has five boats available for associate members to use, once the senior sailors deem us worthy to sail alone.

Damage to the keel
We received news this past Monday that the choppy wind conditions caused one of the club boats to break free from the ropes (lines) that bound it to the dock.  Because the lines snapped, the boat drifted against some rocks and caused damage to the keel (the weight on bottom) that made it nearly sink.

Investigating the damage
After some investigation, the senior sailors determined the lines were not adequate to keep the boat secure.  We learned that we must use double-braided ropes to secure the boat to the dock.

This made me think about the lines that keep us tethered to God.  If we are not firmly anchored to God with double-braided cords, our lifelines may snap, and we could find ourselves drifting away toward dangerous conditions.

What are some of these lines?
1. Attend a church that teaches Bible truth.
2. Read the Bible, a little each day.
3. Think about the things the Bible teaches.
4. Pray.  Again, I say pray.
5. Spend your free time with other believers who encourage you, and who can keep you accountable.
6. Learn how to love others the way He loves us and act on it.

There are more... name them!

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT)