
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Strife in our World

 As I write this today, our country is facing some of the worst times.  There is rioting going on in the nation’s capitol - and a woman was killed in the capitol building.  Why do people turn to violence when they feel angry?  I have seen it over and over this year.  Our hate has boiled over.  

The answer is simple.  We are people.  We have a sin nature.  Read the Old Testament of the Bible.  God placed so much hope in his chosen people, the nation of Israel.  He gave them strict rules to follow and a means to atone for their sins.  As long as they stayed obedient to the Law, God would bless the people abundantly.  However, if the people turned away and started following after idols and other gods, God would allow calamity to fall upon the nation.  Read some of the horrible things the people did.  Fathers gave their daughters to be raped.  Men murdered other men to take their wives.  There are more stories like this in the Bible.  Some of it truly makes my stomach turn.  

This is the sin nature of all people.  The chosen people of Israel knew the laws of God and knew of his goodness and his justice.  If they could fall so low, it stands to reason, so can we.  We do this when we forget who our savior is.  We do this when we forget to pray.  We do this when we stop reading the Bible and thinking about the things of God.  

So, what is the solution?  We turn to Jesus.  We stop what we are doing and we pray.  We pray for our sins and beg for God’s forgiveness.  We ask Jesus to stand in our place and take our sins.  We ask for Jesus to take his place in our lives.  

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” ~John‬ ‭1:4-5‬ ‭(NIV)

‬‬Won’t you let Jesus be the light in this dark world? The more of us to become like Jesus, the better people we can be.  

Practice love.  Be kind.  Change the world.  Jesus did.  

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