
Monday, May 25, 2015

Depression - A God Thing?

"At that very moment the Spirit of God left Saul and its place, a black mood sent by God settled on him.  He was terrified."  ~1Samuel 16:14 (MSG)

I'm having trouble with this passage.  In one version, the black mood is called a "distressing spirit from the Lord," and in other versions, an "evil spirit from the Lord."  The NLT version calls it a "tormenting spirit from God."

Whatever the malady was, it is clear that it was intentionally sent by God.  I asked why?
I didn't have to read much further to get the answer.

In that same chapter, we read that God created within Saul a need for David.  David was an accomplished musician.  Saul's people hired David to "tend to" Saul, and Saul was very pleased with him.  Whenever David played, the tormenting spirit would go away.  God needed David to be close to Saul to accomplish His purpose.

So, this brings me to my next question.  Does God still operate in this manner?  I do recognize that He allows bad things/evil things to happen, and that He can create good from it for those who ask Him.

My question is God more intentional than that?  Would God purposefully send a "tormenting spirit" to a person to establish a pathway for His divine purpose?  Does that contradict His nature?

This is something I do not have the answer for.  More study is needed.


  1. In my opinion, both these verses and this subject is a great lesson and a great study. Thank you for posting. It has provoked me to study and think on the Bible / God's Word.

    It is also my opinion that as helpful as it may seem, to use 'translations' such as the New Living Translation or some other "westernized" or "Americanized" so-called "translation" of scriptures, it is really not a translation at all, but more of western or humanistic worldview. These alternate views of what the bible says and means, may help the reader gain a basic understanding of ethics, morals or a more humanistic view of religion from a Western ideology or philosophy, but, they can be a distraction from the point to be made and any remedy. At worst, they mislead the reader, and give a well thought out humanistic solution to many problems we face as Christians.

    So, I suggest, that as a disciple of Christ becomes comfortable with basic bible study, they pray before study, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and understanding - and attempt to use bible tools that promote an advanced study and a deeper understanding of scriptures. (We have the opportunity to read and understand the WORD of LIFE. It is to our great benefit to take full advantage)

    (Hebrews 5:12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food.
    Hebrews 5:13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant.)

    So, in the text Kathy has referenced, there is an important statement and two words I focused on that might give a fuller understanding of the questions, "did God send and evil spirit on Saul and does God send evil spirits on people, now-a-days?"

    First, 1 Samuel 16:14 says, "¶ Now the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul..." So, first we see that Saul is left defenseless. God has departed him. Secondly we see "and an evil spirit from the LORD terrorized him." I feel it is no accident that after the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, that an evil spirit from the LORD terrorized him."

    THE LESSON we learn? Don't grieve the Spirit of the Lord.

    Next the word the LORD is accurately translated as "Jehovah" the EXISTING ONE,

    and the word "from" translated from the Hebrew word "hayah" (haw-yaw ) Strong's concordance 01961

    AV-was, come to pass, came, has been, were happened, become, pertained, better for thee; 75

    1b1) to occur, come to pass, be done, be brought about
    1b2) to be done, be finished, be gone

    Together, we again can see that the Spirit of the Lord (Jehovah - The EXISING ONE) has departed Saul, or it has "come to pass, was brought about, to be done, be finished, be gone".

    Evil exists. Evil spirits are real. Without God, we are subjected to the terror of evil spirits. Even as Christians, when we 'backslide' or 'grieve the Spirit' or allow our minds to be "set on things of the flesh, it is death" (see Romans 8:5,6,7)

    So, the answer to question #1, does God send evil sprits onto people? The ABSENCE of God gives evil sprits access to any person.

    Malachi 3:6 says "For I am the LORD, I change not; "
    Hebrews13:8 also tells us that "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."

    God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is dependable. He is unchanging.

    And to be without the Spirit of God dwelling within, you are in grave danger.

    Yes, God still operates that way.

    (For personal study and some varying view, just google "did God send an evil spirit on Saul" or "why did God send an evil sprit on Saul")

    Again, thank you Kathy. Very good studies. Very good lessons. Very good instruction to all who believe. A great warning to those who don't believe in God, yet.

  2. Kathy ... I worked 3 hours on a comment to send to you about this "evil spirit" that the Lord sent to Saul. As I was copying it to post ... oops, I hit the delete key and lost it. What a moronic idiot!!! Oh well ... I had a nice Bible study ... just for me.

    But I did manage to post a new blog after my goof-up that addresses the same subject matter. Maybe it will answer some questions. Here's the link ... if I can get that right!

  3. Thank you for the link. I enjoyed reading your thoughts.
