
Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Call for Prayer (Please)

As I sat here gazing upon this blank computer screen, thinking about what to write, I found myself enveloped in a myriad of thoughts.  I have felt "blocked" and unable to really focus on what God may be saying to me.  I thought about why that may be, and I recognized the patterns of distraction I have been chasing this summer.

If ever I felt under "attack" by the work of Satan, it is now.  It seems like there are different tactics being used to distract me from my walk with God.  If I were to stop and analyze each of them separately, I would just say, "it's life," and I would move on.  What I'm most concerned about is the pattern.

What's even more disturbing is that I see these kinds of attacks on many different Christians.  Whenever one of us starts to make some progress in the mission of sharing the Good News, we hear about some kind of barrier.  This summer, I have heard so many new cancer diagnoses, more marriages breaking up, more legal issues, more financial burdens than I have ever heard before.  Any and all of these things can stop a believer in their tracks, turning them inward, rather than speaking out for God.

In the meantime, I mourn for the children on the other side of the world, being subjected to torture and death by terrorists simply for theirs and their parents' beliefs.  The evil work of Satan has rapidly increased, and we (brothers and sisters) need to stop paying attention to the distractions in our own life, and start praying and taking offensive action against the evil one.

I plan to spend today praying.  If you think about it, please pray with me.  United, we have a chance.  Separated, we fall.

"I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask,
my Father in heaven will do it for you.  For where two or three gather together
as my followers, I am there among them." ~Matthew 18:19-20 (NLT)


  1. I think God has just opened a door for the church ... seek Him while He may be found. Jesus said ... "The night cometh when no man can work."

  2. Just learned that a real prayer warrior lost her battle to cancer yesterday. Heaven welcomes her, but we will miss her here.
