
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Spiritual Intimacy

Raleigh feels Maku's girlhood fears as her parents died
I recently saw the movie Pacific Rim on Netflix, that I found to be compelling.  It originally came out a year ago, and is just now beginning to gain popularity.

In the movie, the planet Earth is being attacked by very large evolving alien monsters called Kaiju (think Godzilla).  To fight these Kaiju, a branch of the military developed "Jaegers," large robots piloted by two people whose minds must be linked to operate it effectively.  One person could not operate it to defeat the Kaiju.  Both people needed to be linked and focused on the task.

This process of linking minds is called "drifting." To be able to drift, two people must be "drift compatible," or able to trust one another enough to bond at that level of intimacy.  When drifted with his partner, a pilot has access to her memories, feelings, everything.  Most of the pilot pairs were family.

I found myself thinking about this bond.  I thought about how we are often ill-equipped to fight the worldly temptations and battle the things unseen when we are not bonded with the Holy Spirit.  We have to rely on Him who is within us to be effective.  The more we trust the Holy Spirit, the more effective we become at overcoming what comes our way.  He is the One who knows our thoughts, our memories, our feelings, ... everything.  He understands what we struggle with, and He helps bear our pain.

Alone, we are not effective.
Bonded with the Holy Spirit, there is nothing we cannot defeat.

"What is impossible for people is possible with God." ~Luke 18:27 (NLT)


  1. Did you notice that the commander's (Maku's adopted father) last name in the movie is "Pentecost." That is not a usual last name. Seems to be too unique for just a coincidence and gives weight to your analogy of the Holy Spirit since Pentecost is the day that God poured out His Spirit on all flesh. Interesting.

    1. Yes, I did notice that last night when I was reviewing the movie for this post. I hoped the writer meant "savior" in his use of the name for that character, since his actions wound up saving the people, in addition to his chosen daughter.
