
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Irrelevant Majority

I found a stirring speech posted by an old college friend on FaceBook.  Please click on the link to view it.

Unusual Answer from Panelist Receives Standing Ovation at Benghazi Coalition Meeting | CNS News

This was a panel discussion about the government's response to terrorism in the United States.  I loved the speech given by Brigitte Gabriel.  It was a healthy reminder about the events in history.  The student was trying to make the point that the terrorists are but a small percentage of radicals, and not the peaceful majority of Muslims in the world.  Ms. Gabriel pointed out that over and over in history, the peaceful majority were overpowered by the radical minority.  It happened in Germany with the Nazi party.  It happened in Russia.  It happened in China.  It happened in Japan.  It happened right here in the United States.  Even though the majority of the people were peaceful, they were not effective in stopping the radicals from massive killing.  The majority was irrelevant.

This made me think about the Church today.  There are many people who attend faithfully each week, pay tithes and wish the best for others.  This is the majority of Christian Americans.  I wonder though, in our peaceful complacency, are we becoming irrelevant?  Are we too comfortable in our little world to make a difference?

I hope not.  The Bible is full of men and women who refused to allow injustice to take place.  They spoke out about God's purpose and love.  They were willing to go to prison or death to ensure the message they spoke was shared.  I feel a stirring happening in the Church today.  I can only assume God is waking us up for a battle.  This battle is not with terrorists, though.  This battle is with Satan for the souls of men.  Don't be afraid to speak out and share!

"Nation will fight against nation and ruler fight ruler, over and over.  Earthquakes will occur in various places.  There will be famines.  But these things are nothing compared to what's coming.  And watch out! They're going to drag you into court.  And then it will go from bad to worse, dog-eat-dog, everyone at your throat because you carry my name.  You're placed there as sentinels to truth.  The Message has to be preached all across the world." ~Jesus (Mark 13:8-10 MSG)


  1. Was Jesus speaking of the church when He said in Luke 18:8, "... when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith upon the earth?" I have often thought about the meaning of this scripture. Carl ...

    1. I think in the context of the lesson he was trying to teach the disciples about vigilance, he wondered if anyone could have the persistence to pray continually for others, as the widow did for her needs. It's funny, Carl, that I just put up a passage from Jude this morning that fits this context of praying for others.
