
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Break Every Chain

We sang this song this morning in our worship service.  

The prophet Jeremiah discusses the day our chains of sin were broken.

"In all history there has never been such of time of terror.
It will be a time of trouble for my people of Israel.
Yet in the end they will be saved! For in that day," 
says the Lord of Heaven's Armies, 
"I will break the yoke from their necks
and snap their chains.
Foreigners will no longer be their masters.
For my people will serve the Lord their God 
and their king descended from David --
the king I will raise up for them.
~Jeremiah 30:7-9 (NLT)

The chains are broken.  They broke that day on the cross.  We no longer have to live in the bondage of sin.  However, there are people who still wear these chains.  They are broken, but they still hang on us.  They still weigh us down.  These chains represent the sinful behavior we may still cling to.  Even broken, these chains are still chains we need to get rid of.  

How do we get rid of the broken chains of sinful behavior that weigh us down?  It's simple.  

Repent in the name of Jesus.

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