
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Equal is not Fair

"Fair is not always equal, and equal is not always fair." ~unknown

Have you ever wondered why some people are treated differently than others?  It's sometimes difficult to understand this, especially when you feel like you are the one getting the short end of the stick.

Last week, I spent some time in the book of Matthew.  The story of the landowner and workers struck me.  This is a parable found in chapter 20, verses 1-16.  If you would remember this story, it is the one that illustrates that no matter when the landowner hired the workers that day, he chose to pay for a full day's wages.

The ones working all day were very upset that the ones hired last were paid the same.  The response by the landowner was that the ones hired first had agreed to the wages when they were hired.  He went on to say that he has the right to pay people what he wishes.  He admonished them by saying they should not be jealous because he is choosing to be kind to others.

I spend time teaching others about the principle of "differentiation."  This is an educational buzzword that is used to describe the concept above.  We need to think about the individual child in the classroom, and each of their abilities.  We need to then teach them what they need.  If a child is gifted, they may be given an extra project or a different assignment designed to challenge them to grow, especially if they already know the content of the material being taught.  If a child has been identified with a specific learning disability, they may need the content presented in a different way, or presented a second or third time to ensure mastery.  Kids are different, and they sometimes need to be taught differently.  Sometimes, it doesn't seem fair.

God will treat each of His people just the way they need to be treated.  If all you need is a gentle reminder to work, that's all you will get.  If you need a wake up call to get started, He will send it.  Some people respond best to praise and encouragement, and others need a pointed statement by a good friend to get us back on track.  Whatever you need, God will make sure you get it.  Just don't be jealous if God is not giving you what He gave someone else.

You must not have needed it.


  1. Great post!! Willetta

  2. Very good content and assessment Kathy. I believe you just might hold the office of "teacher" in the body of Christ. Now ... to get others to read your words. I love your last sentence ... "You must not have needed it." I agree some people just needed a pointed statement to help them. I on the other hand usually needed "a pointed stick." :) Carl

    1. Thanks Carl. I often am obtuse, and require a swift kick in the "heinie" to get moving in the right direction.
