
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lunar Eclipse - The Blood Moon

There has been lots of discussion lately about this upcoming lunar eclipse.  I heard this will happen four times in the next two years, which apparently is not common.  It made me think about some verses I heard as a new Christian about the end times:

"Then, after doing all those things,
I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
Your old men will dream dreams,
and your young men will see visions.
In those days I will pour out my Spirit 
even on servants - men and women alike.
And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on earth -
blood and fire and columns of smoke.
The sun will become dark,
and the moon will turn blood red
before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives."
~Joel 2:28-31 (NLT)

It's pretty scary stuff for a new believer.   I don't really think this lunar eclipse will signify the beginning of the end, or even the next one or the other two.   But, even if this turns into something, we need to remember the very next verse in Joel:

"But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved,
for some on Mount Zion in Jerusalem will escape,
just as the Lord has said.
These will be among the survivors whom the Lord has called."
~Joel 2:32 (NLT)

God will save everyone who calls on the name of the Lord.  We just need to get out and share that message.  As for the eclipse, it will start Monday night (Tuesday morning) at about 1:00a.m., reach total eclipse at about 2:00a.m. and end about 4:30a.m.  I plan to get out and watch if the sky is not too cloudy.  Will you?

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