
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Following the Rabbit (or was that Rabbi?)

Recently, I posted about what the world sounds like for me (A Silent World).  What I didn't mention was the humor behind my hearing loss.  I often misunderstood things that were spoken to me.  For example, I grew up thinking that things that were a short distance away was just "a hop, skip and a bump away."  I always imagined the person giving a hip bump.  Funny, right?  It wasn't until I went to college that I learned what the phrase really was.  Jump makes so much more sense than bump!

I tell this story to give you a sense of how I interpret words I hear. Sometimes I lip read to help understand, and sometimes I rely on context clues to determine what words were said. I was listening to Tim and Pam on the WBGL morning show a couple weeks back, and I was captivated by a story Pam was telling. She asked Tim if he had a rabbit he followed. He wasn't sure what she was getting at.  I listened to her describe her dear older pastorly neighbor who challenged her to grow spiritually. She said everyone needs a rabbit to follow.

By this time I am imagining a greyhound race, where the dogs chase after the mechanical rabbit. The rabbit is said to spur them to run faster than they would without it. I thought that was a neat allegory and thought about the people in my life. I have a rabbit I follow that challenges me to get into the scriptures and grow closer in my walk with God. Without my rabbit, I would not be as far along in this race.  I am very grateful for my rabbit.

I looked up the phrase "follow the rabbit" and found... Nothing.  Chasing rabbits is the phrase and it doesn't mean anything like what I imagined.

I think she was talking about modern rabbi's and following them like students and their teachers! I guess that makes more sense.  Smile!

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." (John 10:27 NLT)


  1. "May the dust of your rabbi be upon you." May you follow Jesus so closely that you can feel His breath as He speaks to you.
