
Monday, December 23, 2013

Are You a Fan or a Follower?

I was given a book recommendation by a good friend, and this got me back into reading books written by pastoral leaders.  Last Sunday, I opened up the book, Not A Fan, by Kyle Idleman.  Immediately, after reading the prologue and Chapter 1, I felt compelled to share it.  The author shares his revelations in a very real way, and he uses quotes from some of my favorite movies.  I think he is a fellow geek!

I pondered the primary question: Am I just a fan (defined as "enthusiastic admirer"), or am I a true follower of Jesus? The first part of the book helped define the relationship.  Each chapter in this part identified a behavior, and challenged it.  For example, are we following Jesus in just a part of life, but do we "put him away" in other parts, i.e. work? Do we really know Jesus, in the "yada" way, which could be defined as an intimate mingling of souls, or do we just know about Him?  He wants us to be His one and only.  He wants our complete insides, and not just the outside show we put on for others.  

Part 2 (Chapters 8-11) is a study of Jesus's words in Luke 9:23, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."  The author was careful to say John 3:16 is about believing, while Luke 9:23 focused on following.  There is no believing without following.

What is neat about Part 2 is the breakdown of the single verse.  The words "If anyone…" clarifies ANYONE.  Anyone means everyone is invited.  Ex-con?  Yes.  Current con?  Yes.  Alcoholic?  Yes.  Addict?  Yes?  Sexual past?  Yes.  Divorced?  Yes.  Anyone means EVERYONE is invited. The words "come after", meaning to passionately pursue.  The author compared passionate pursuit to the initial chase after a loved one.  He told cute stories of the things he did to win his wife's love.  He said Jesus wants us to passionately pursue him as we would a new romantic love.  "Deny himself" means I am saying, "I choose Jesus over my family.  I choose Jesus over money.  I choose Jesus over my career.  Even if it costs me everything."  There are no exceptions.  He spoke about the references the New Testament apostles used - "slave".  This is the picture of what we must do.  We must give up our whole self and becomes slaves to our master, Jesus.  He must own us. "Take up his cross," means Come and Die.  He discussed the cross and noted the symbols of humiliation, suffering, and death.  Taking up a cross means allowing ourselves to be subject to these things for the sake of Jesus.

Part 3 specifies that we must be willing to follow Him wherever, whenever, and whatever.  That means going to a specific place, maybe one you would not go if He was not leading you.  He means for you to follow TODAY, and not to wait for tomorrow.  He means for you to drop all your stuff, much like Elisha did in 1Kings 19 when the prophet Elijah him to be his successor.  Drop the stuff that prevents you from going "all in."  No reserves.  No retreats.  No regrets.

Very rarely can I say a book has convicted me like this one did.  I highly recommend it.

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