
Friday, March 29, 2013

One Man's Disability is God's Superpower

Have you ever felt less than adequate?  Let's think about those among us living with a disability of some kind.  Some people have difficulty walking, and others have difficulty thinking clearly.  Some cannot see, and others (like me) cannot hear.  Some disabilities are invisible, but completely debilitating.  Autism spectrum disorder is one such disability.  People with this disorder (on the higher functioning end) describe themselves as socially awkward, or having extreme anxiety in social situations.  They have intense interests and a singular ability to focus on their specific interest.  They often have a black-and-white view of the world, and have a strong sense of justice, as they know deep down what is right, and cannot see or tolerate anything else.

As a special educator, I sometimes recognize these hidden disabilities in others.  I love to watch these people overcome their weakness and capitalize on their strengths.  After reading several books in the Bible written by Moses, I am convinced he was such a man.  When God chose him to deliver the people of Israel out of Egypt, he protested.  He knew he could not speak with others, and would often get tongue-tied.  He needed Aaron to speak for him.  Why would God choose him?

Moses had a singular knowledge of what God wanted, and the ability to know it to the smallest detail.  Think about how detailed the Tabernacle had to be, and what the different offerings needed to be to please God.  The repetition and detail in these books written by Moses indicate an individual with the ability to see the importance of even the tiniest details.  God knew he needed such a person who could remember all the small details to get it right, lest something go wrong, and sin be exposed in God's presence.  God needed a person wired just like a person on the Autism spectrum.

When you see someone with a disability, or if you are such a person, think about what makes you strong.  What can you contribute for the work of God?

"Then the Lord said to Moses, "Write down all these instructions, for they represent the terms of the covenant I am making with you and with Israel." Exodus 34:27 (NLT)


  1. Very interesting observation! Never thought about it in that vein. I do know God often uses our weakness because when we are weak HE can be strong in us.

    1. Thank-you for the comment! Yes, I've seen God use so many people in their weaknesses.
