
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Spiritual Drought?

As weather conditions in my part of the United States continue to deteriorate into record drought conditions, more and more people are talking about the need for rain.  Rain is essential to the growth of our crops.  Rain is needed for our replenishment of water sources for home and industrial uses.  Rain is what we all are praying for.  These current conditions led me to reflect on a people from a desert planet in the self-titled movie, Dune.  The people had adapted to the harsh living conditions, conserving all available water, including their own body fluids.  They learned to live in the dry conditions, but they never lost hope for their messiah, who would bring rain to their desert planet.

I have started to compare the drought conditions of the weather outside to my spiritual condition.  During the spring season, I experienced a great spiritual growth, with a constant watering from the Lord that renewed continual growth.  But, now in the later summer season, that watering seems to have disappeared.  Where is my lord, I wondered?  I pray for rain, but none comes.  This is a dangerous place to be.  I am obedient, but I lack hope.

I think I will go back to the psalms and the prophesies of promises, as the people in the movie did.  There are many words in the Bible that point to times of dryness, but promises hope for believers in the end.  I cannot stop praying to my God who supplies all my needs.  I cannot stop walking toward Him, for to stop walking in the desert means a sure death without water and without hope.

It will rain again.  In the meantime, I will read, pray and hope.

"O God, when you led your people out from Egypt,
When you marched through the dry wasteland,
The earth trembled, and the heavens poured down rain
Before you, the God of Sinai,
Before God, the God of Israel.
You sent abundant rain, O God, to refresh the weary land." 
(Psalm 68: 7-9 NLT)

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